Many companies provide their employees with ID cards, name tags, or security badges for easy identification, as well as building access control. Many of these same companies outsource their ID printing needs, spending hundreds of dollars on card orders and shipping.
Should your company buy a plastic ID card printer to produce employee IDs in house?
Most card printing services sell cards in bulk, which limits your customization options. If you want to denote security clearance levels by color-coding your ID badges, for example, you would have to fill out two separate orders whenever you needed more cards for employees with different clearances. When you own your own ID card printer, you are in control. ID cards can be customized individually and you never have to print more cards than you need.
By owning your own ID card printer, you save money and materials and minimize waste. Plus, when you are printing everything in house, there are no shipping or handling fees.
Many companies simply aren’t aware of the option to print employee IDs in house or are intimidated by the wide range of choices and specifications, uncertain as to which ID printer best suits their needs. Here are the three main things you’ll want to take into consideration when you buy plastic ID card printers:
#1 Data Communication
In order to print an ID card, you must be able to transfer data to the card printer. There are two main ways to do this: either through a USB or an ethernet cable. Some ID card printers are only capable of one or the other, while more versatile printers are outfitted for both. In order to choose the right ID printer for you, you’ll need to know how you plan to connect to the printer.
#2 Card Design
When it comes to ID cards, there are two basic designs – single sided and dual sided. Printing on only one side of the card saves ink – and single sided printers are typically the most inexpensive option – however, single sided cards can only hold half as much information as dual sided cards. For businesses in which ID cards are required to display large amounts of information, single sided cards are limited in space and often difficult to read. When choosing between single and dual sided cards, it’s helpful to know what kind of information will be displayed on your ID cards.
# 3 Lamination
ID cards are printed from sturdy plastic materials. However, in certain areas or fields of work, your cards may face a large amount of wear and tear. Some ID card printers serve a dual function as a printer and laminator and are capable of laminating your ID cards in order to make them more durable. If you need an added layer of protection for your cards, a laminator printer may be the best choice for you.
ID Shop is the premiere place to buy plastic ID card printers. With over 30 years of experience in the ID industry, ID Shop keeps a wide selection of card printers in stock, as well as all of the supplies you’ll need including printer ribbons, blank cards and more. We are a top quality one stop shop for all of your ID needs. Contact us today at…
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