How to Implement Voice Bots for Better Customer Support

Most of an organization’s success depends on the level of customer service offered. Hence, asking for help and delivering solution should be easy and faster. Experts recommend that delivery of solutions should be faster than typing out chats or even emails. Most organizations have incorporated chat window services that act faster than typing out a problem.

Voice bots are voice-powered user interfaces. These are built in a fashion to understand natural language. It is used for establishing conversation with individuals. In short, voice bots are computers capable of conversing like humans. Business can benefit greatly from integrating these bots for establishing interaction with customers and expedite resolutions. When implemented correctly and in an apt way, voice bots can facilitate superior levels of customer support. Customers can expect resolution of issues faster and in an effective way.

Ways Voice Bots can Boost Customer Support

Fixing IVR and Routing

Longer IVR menu can be a source of annoyance for callers. Voice bots can serve as a pleasing option. The bots can ask callers the reason for calling just like a personal human secretary. They will connect the apt department logically.
Improve Chats

If it is about speed, voice can beat manual typing. You can trust voice bots to be present on live chat windows, apps, emails, and various social media sites allowing customers say things that bothers them. They don’t have to type in long texts.

Voice Operations

Voice bot platform will help perform human-like chats in phenomenal ways. Installing a single voice bot platform will help with engagement of many thousands of customers. It will offer personalized attention to customers. Simply assign a huge chunk of repetitive responsibilities to voice bots. This will help you to manage support issues more effectively.

Minimize Transaction Times

It is no secret that some tasks can be performed faster by machines as compared to people. Hence, a voice bot can complete repetitive tasks such as ticket status, cancellations, booking, faster as compared to human agents.

Refining Customer Support Center

In most cases, support staff tends to sound like machines. This may annoy clients and they may stop trusting your services. The support staff in an organization is usually over-burdened by monotonous tasks. They are also under tremendous pressure to wrap calls (to attend and wrap maximum number of calls). All of these sap the touch of humanity out of a support center. When bots take over these monotonous tasks, the work load reduces significantly. Additionally, customer support staff can be trained for other important tasks and spared time required for delivering human connection when truly needed.

Voicing Self-service

With e-workforce taking over the charge, self-service will become more scalable and customer. Customers put up their queries to ask voice bots instead of checking FAQs online.

Features of an Effective Voice Bot

Voice interfaces use Natural Language Processing or NLP for interpreting words. However, there are certain features that offer smooth conversation. Here are some must-have features for a voice bot:

Understand Meaning

It is important for a bot to be able to use Intent analysis for extracting the meaning behind words.

Pause and Listen

A customer should not get bored in a long IVR monologue. Hence, one should be able to interrupt a bot. It must be capable of pausing, listening to and speaking accordingly.

Streaming Recognition

Speed is of utmost importance for a pleasant experience. The bot must be capable of interpreting at a similar rate at which your customer speaks.

Live Agent Access

The caller should be able to revert to a live agent at any point of time during interaction. User-oriented fallback rules should be defined. For instance, if the bot fails to understand the user issue in a single question, it should immediately revert to a live agent.

Consistent Learning

A bot should never stop learning. In fact, it should continuously work on improving its accuracy.

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